Adding a budget to your study
Dependent of the settings done by your application manager, you will see an overview when adding or editing a budget.
In the overview the description of the added components is shown. Per line you can see the corresponding number of units, price per unit, total costs, cost centre, period and NZA code. In the right column the Edit and Delete buttons are shown. In the top left you can see the button Add.
Click on add to add a new budget line.
On the new screen you need to select a standard budget line. When you do this, the cost centre, type of unit and price per unit will be filled in for you, but if desired you can change it. You can now save the budget line, but you can also choose to fill in the period, the year and the code of the NZA ( Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit / Dutch Healthcare Authority) first, as well as the amount that is budgeted and realized. The difference in price between these is automatically calculated for you.
To save the budget line and add a new one , click on Save and new. To save the line and close the pop-up , click on Save and close, and to cancel click on Close.