This component is used when a patient is allowed to select multiple answer options. You can use this for all kinds of kinds of questions, for example if you ask about any side effect someone experiences from the issued medication.
Adding answer options:
In the pop-up on the tab “Specific properties” you fill in different answer options. The description is the answer people are going to see - going on with our previous example, here you fill in the different kinds of side effects you expect from this medicine. Think of stomach aches, sweating or diarrhea.
The value you fill in with the answer is used for importing and exporting your files. This value is mandatory, but if you would rather see a not numerical value in your export file you can fill it in in the tag. This will then be showed instead of the value.
Finally you can fill in a score. This comes in handy when you ask a lot of these kind of questions, link the answers to the scores and eventually want to count them. If you put in a calculation component in a multiple answer component, the scores are what is calculated with.
Editing answer options:
Select the item you want to edit in the list on the left side. Edit the information on the right side. To save the changed information click on “edit”. The change has been saved.
Standard selection and exclusive selection:
You choose per answer if you want it to be preselected as a standard. You can also choose to make a answer option exclusive, this means that if the option is selected other options can no longer be selected (if they were already selected, they will be deselected). This can be used for the option “None of the above”. Then you can choose to hide the answer. This can come in handy when the answer option is no longer relevant, but you cannot remove the option because data has already been entered.
Display of answer options:
Finally, you can choose whether you want to display the answers vertically aligned instead of the standard horizontal alignment.