The yes-no-component is often used when a question is asked that can only be answered with “yes” or “no”, for example if you ask whether someone smokes. These kind of questions are often used to determine if someone is suited to participate in a research.
In the pop-up on the tab “Specific properties” you can indicate if you want a normal yes-no-component or a component that makes sure patients are excluded or included. Finally you can choose to give the component a standard value. This can be handy when you expect the vast majority of your patients or researchers to give the same answer.
Item type:
- Normal: This component is a standard yes-no question that has no further influence on inclusion or exclusion of a patient in the research.
- Inclusion: When the patient answers yes on this question, he meets the requirements of this question for inclusion in the research.
- Exclusion: When a patient answers yes on this question, he is automatically excluded from the research. When a patient answers no on this question, he meets the requirements of this question for inclusion in the research. Only if a patients satisfies the inclusion conditions for all of the questions, he or she is included in the research.