- Navigate through the main menu to CRF - > Exports - > CRF;
- Select the subchapter you want to export the references from;
- Choose the type of export and the export structure, give your export file a name and select the references that need to be exported;
- Choose to export or not to export the score fields of some of the components;
- Click on ‘Add export’;
- Double click on the export when it is ready to open or save the file.
ResearchManager is a handy tool to collect and look at data. But sometimes you want to examine the data even more closely, by for example laying it down next to each other on paper. Or maybe you use a statistical program and you want to move data from ResearchManager there, without having to fill in everything by hand again. This is what you use the export function for: your own data from ResearchManager, in your desired format. In this manual you read everything you need to know for this.
By using the export for recurring subchapters you can make an export of the added references per subchapters.
Extensive steps:
Go to . Log in with your username and password.
Attention: Does your organization use multiple modules within ResearchManager? In that case it could be that you first enter the module portal. Click on “EDC (Data management)”. Dependent on your settings it could be that you enter one of our other modules first. If you do not see “EDC (Data management)” in the top left corner of your screen, click on the logo you do see to get to the module portal. Then, click on “EDC (Data management)” as well.
Step 1: Navigate towards ‘Exports > Recurring subchapters’
Now you see the starting page. Place your mouse at the top, in the menu bar, on ‘CRF’, then on ‘Exports’ and then on ‘Recurring subchapters’.
Step 2: Select which type of export file
Now you find yourself on the export page for recurring subchapters. On the bottom of the page is a table with exports that were done in the past. To start a new export, you begin with selecting the recurring subchapter you want to export. Next, you choose the type of export you want: an excel file or an export for SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, an often used statistics program). Then you choose the structure in which you want to see the export.
~ Type export file: Matrix table
~ Type export file: Tabs
~ Type export file: Nested
After this you choose whether you want to take the score fields, that you may have filled in in the components, with you in the export and you give your export a name. Finally, you select which references of the subchapter you want to export.
Next to the dropdown menu in which you select this, there are two buttons: one to save the export settings as you selected them, so you can easily use them again later, and one to reuse earlier saved export settings again.
This comes in handy when you want to export the same components multiple times, for example to compare measuring moments.
Step 3: Exporting recurring subchapter
Now you click on ‘Add export’. The export immediately appears in the table at the bottom of the page. Every export is initially placed in the queue, but is picked up as soon as possible.
As soon the export has the status ‘Completed’, you can download the file. You do this by double clicking on the export name and then, in the pop-up that opens, double clicking on the file name. You can save it or open it in Excel/SPSS.