When you have created a study in ResearchManager, the next step is often creating the template. This template has a fixed structure in which you have all kinds of options to set it up exactly the way you desire.
One of the options is adding recurring chapters. They are ideal for questionnaires that have to be filled in multiple times by patients – for example, if they ask about the progress every month.
With only one click on the button another subchapter is added according to the previously made template. If you have the role of application manager or data manager within the module, then you can set up these kinds of recurring subchapters. Here you read how it works.
- Navigate through the Main menu -> Management - > Study template;
- Add a subchapter and check on the box ‘This is a recurring subchapter’;
- Possibly check on the extra boxes and click on ‘Save’;
- Add paragraphs and components to the recurring subchapter;
- Go to the CRF (if the study is in test phase or is active) and navigate from the patient towards the recurring subchapter ;
- Click on add ‘[title recurring subchapter]’.
Extensive steps
Go to https://myresearchmanager.com/NameCustomer . Log in with your username and password.
Attention: Does your organization use multiple modules within ResearchManager? In that case it could be that you first enter the module portal. Click on “EDC (Data management)”. Dependent on your settings it could be that you enter one of our other modules first. If you do not see “EDC (Data management)” in the top left corner of your screen, click on the logo you do see to get to the module portal. Then, click on “EDC (Data management)” as well.
Step 1
Click in the main menu on ‘Management’ and then, under the heading ‘Template settings’, on ‘Study template’.
Step 2
Now you find yourself in the template overview. On the left you see the navigation overview, on the right you see the main screen. For more information about the study template you can go to the article ‘Setting up template’.
Step 3
Click on ‘Add subchapter’ under a chapter. Fill in a title and possibly a description in the pop-up that appears. Check ‘This is a recurring subchapter’ on. You can choose for a maximum amount of times a subchapter can be used per patient. If you leave this empty, there is now maximum.
You can also choose for automatically generating references when the subchapter is used, there you can choose from multiple addition fields, for example the date. If you do not do this you can fill in a title per CRF each time.
Finally, click on ‘Save and close’. Now you see the subchapter in the navigation overview. You add paragraphs and components in the same way you would for a normal subchapter.
Step 4
If the study is in test phase or is active, with the role data manager, research specialist, or researcher you can add the recurring subchapter in the CRF. Go to the CRF for this and open the information of the patient. If you click on the non-recurring subchapter, you can see the content of that subchapter on the main screen. If you click on the recurring subchapter, this does not happen. Instead of that you click on add ‘[title recurring subchapter]’. You fill in a title, unless you chose to generate it automatically, and then you click on ‘Save’. Next the subchapter opens in the main part of the screen.
After the subchapter has been added, you can enter data in the same way you would as with a “normal” subchapter.
You can repeat this action as many times as you want (or the maximum amount of times as the subchapter is allowed to be used, as set up in the study template).