Dear reader,
The ERMS of ResearchManager will be updated to version 6.10. Below, you can find information about the added functionalities and improvements. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about the update. Please email your inquiries to
In summary:
- Open PDF files directly in your browser with our new PDF viewer!
- Application managers can now display custom text explaining why a status transition is not allowed, as validation messages are now customizable.
- Users can now view only the rows in a review component to which they are linked.
- You can now add your own reference to a question using the new text box in the Questions Committee component.
- Clarifications have been added regarding mandatory fields when creating a new study, with red markings for better visibility.
- Searching for components in a long list is now faster with the ability to type and search when setting conditions.
- Customize exports by choosing which study details to include.
- Words in tables are no longer truncated for better readability.
- We increased maximum character limit for fields in assessment components, allowing for more extensive questions.
- Improved handling of date formats in Excel exports based on application settings.
- Filtering by research department in the overview is now possible.
- Bugs, nobody wants them so we fixed as many as we could!
- Select all rights in review component
For setting rights in a review component, a new option has been added to select all options at once. 'Select All' is available per status and also in the header, allowing rights to be set for all statuses at once for each role. This eliminates the need to select permissions separately for each status and role when everything needs to be selected, saving a significant amount of work, especially when configuring permissions for roles.
- Reference field in Questions Committee component
For the 'Questions Committee' component, it is now possible to add a reference to a question. For this purpose, the 'Reference' field has been added. This is a text field that can be filled in when adding or updating a question.
- Read linked reviews only
In review components, 'user fields' can be added where users with the selected role are displayed and can be checked. The users who are checked are then linked to the study. We have expanded this functionality: it is now possible to specify that users checked in such a field only see the rows where they are checked in the review component. They are still linked to the study, but in that assessment component, they will only see their 'own' rows.
This setting is an addition to the existing rights on the Rights tab when editing a review component, called 'Read linked reviews.' It can be configured per role and status, determining whether a role can see and edit all rows in the review component (depending on the other rights for that role), or only those where they are checked in one of the user fields.
- Custom validation message for status transition
It is possible to set conditions per process transition, for example, that one of the fields on an application form must be filled in. If that field is still empty, the status cannot be changed. When initiating the process transition, a notification is displayed in a yellow block indicating why the status cannot be changed. In the case of the example, it is indicated that the field is still empty. A standard text is used there, as shown in Image 1:
The status of the study can not be changed.
The following conditions are not met:
Image 1
To provide users with more information, we have made it possible to set a custom validation message per process transition. This can be done via Management > Process Transitions. When editing a process transition, you can now enter your own text in the 'Custom Validation Message' text box.
Another improvement is that we show in the text to which status the transition could not be changed. In the last part of the message, similar to the standard setup, the conditions are listed that must be met to change the status.
The validation message for status transitions looks like the following in Image 2:
Image 2
With the format for the customized text as follows:
The status of the study cannot be changed to [STATUS].
The following conditions are not met:
- PDF-viewer
If a document is a PDF, a new icon () is displayed next to that document. When you click on the PDF icon, a new tab opens in the browser, displaying the PDF. This way, you don't need to download each PDF file first but can view it directly in your browser.
- Choose which study details to include or exclude in the export
When creating an export of a study, previously, all components that are mandatory for creating a study were automatically selected if 'Study Details' was chosen under 'Export Components.' It was not possible to select or deselect components from these study details, such as study number or principal investigator. This has now been adjusted, allowing you to filter on the mandatory components for creating a study. These components are listed under 'Study Details.'
- Text is no longer truncated in tables
Previously, for text in column tables, there was no consideration for truncating the text for a new line. This resulted in words being cut off to display the text on a new line, causing a word to be split across two lines. From now on, consideration is given to truncating the text. Words in these columns will no longer be cut off.
- Maximum number of characters for titles in assessment components increased
The description (title) of a row in the review component used to have a maximum number of characters; 50 characters were allowed because this description is often displayed as the title in the grid overview. However, as review components are used in many situations, we have increased the maximum number of characters to 500. You can now include more information in the description of a row in the assessment component. In the header of the column in the grid overview, only the first 50 characters are displayed.
- The set date format is now included in Excel exports and updated for process transition dates when the environment's culture is changed
Date fields are customizable based on culture. For example, the Netherlands may have a different date-time format than the United States. This is the default setting of the environment. Additionally, it is possible to choose a format for a date/time component or process transition date component. The result of a calculation component can also be a date and/or time in a specific format.
For Excel exports, these formats were not previously taken into account. A predetermined format was used when creating the export. We have now adjusted this. When an export is made, the cultural setting of the environment and the format of date/time components and calculations are taken into account.
Moreover, for process transition date components, the format is now stored differently, so a change in the cultural setting of the environment ensures that all date formats are adjusted. This was not the case before.
- Filtering on 'Department' on the homepage
Previously, the 'Department' column was a fixed column on the homepage. When it became possible to add a component as a column, this fixed column was removed. As a result, it was no longer possible to filter by department. Therefore, filtering has now been added for this component. If the component is added to the homepage, it is again possible to filter by department.
- Search for a component and clock icon visible when setting a condition
It is now possible to search for a component by typing text when you want to set a condition for a component. When you edit a component and go to the 'Conditions' tab, there is the 'Template Component' dropdown. Previously, you could only scroll and search, but now you can type and search for a specific title of one of the components. That saves time!
Additionally, there was no clock icon present when setting a condition on a date/time component with a format that includes the time. We have now added this clock icon so you can also set the condition on the time of this component.
- Columns in the template builder: component ID added, and unnecessary ones removed
In the template builder, you now see a new column for each component: the ID of the component. The ID of a component is always unique in the template. We display this ID in the template builder to make it easier to refer to and search for specific components. The ID cannot be modified.
The 'export tag' column is no longer displayed because it contained no information and could not be modified. Additionally, in the overview of chapters, the 'Description' column is no longer shown. It could not be used and was incorrectly displayed in the overview."
- Display selected users in dropdowns
In review components, it is possible to add a field where users with a specific role can be selected. If there are more than 1, it used to show in the bar '2 users selected'. Now, we display the names of the selected users so that you can see directly which users are checked.
- Display of mandatory fields when creating a new study
When creating a new study, all displayed fields are mandatory. If those fields are not filled in and you click 'save', only a small red asterisk was shown behind the still empty fields. It was not always immediately clear why the save was not successful. Therefore, we have changed the formatting. Now, the fields are outlined in red when you want to save but have not filled in all the fields.
Bug fixes:
If a data view component is used to show a calculation with a date/time component, no data was shown if the outcome of this calculation was also a date and/or time; the component remained empty. This has been resolved, so that a date and/or time resulting from a calculation is also displayed in a data view component.
When uploading documents in an assessment component or in a documents component, it was previously possible to select inactive document categories and titles when selecting a category and title for the document. From now on, these inactive document categories and titles are no longer shown in the dropdowns.