Dear reader,
The CTMS of ResearchManager is being updated to version 6.14. Please find below the list of added functionalities and improvements. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about the update. For inquiries, please email us at
In short
Among other things in this version:
- It is now easier to find component with our new search function.
- Setting rights a lot of work? Copy the rights together with copying a component
- The Question Committee component is now the Question & Answer component and has been improved!
- Opening each study to see which users are linked to the study is no longer needed, as each user can now see which study they are linked to.
- Bugs, no one wants them, so we've fixed as many as possible.
Read below for details on all the changes.
- Search function in template builder
Looking for a component in the template? With the new search function in the template builder we will find it in a second! It is now possible to search for ID, title or type of the component. This can be done by clicking the ‘Search component’ button next to the preview.
- Save reports directly to a study
When a report is generated, it used to have to be downloaded first and then uploaded to the study under Documents. Those steps are now no longer necessary; when generating a report, it can be saved directly into the appropriate study. An extra button has been added for this purpose when a report is clicked: 'Save to study'. After selecting the correct study and clicking this button, a pop-up opens with the same options as when adding a file to Documents, in which, among other things, the correct category and title for the document should be selected. Then the 'Save & Close' button ensures that the report is saved with the correct information under Documents in the correct study.
- More roles available for Research Departments and Supporting Departments
It is now possible to add users with all available roles except application manager, module manager and user manager to a Research Department or Supporting Department. Previously, only a few roles were available, so not everyone could be linked to a department when desired. With this new feature, multiple users with different roles could be automatically linked to a study when a particular department is chosen.
- Only available statuses in Start overview
In the study overview on the home page, it is possible to filter, for example by study status. When the list for study statuses was opened to filter, unavailable statuses were also shown. Hence, this list could be very long, which increased the difficulty to find the right status. We have now ensured that only available statuses are shown in the list, making filtering by study status easier.
- Copying component rights possible
When copying a component, it is now possible to copy the rights of the component with it. This means that you do not have to set the rights for copied components again when they are similar to the rights of the component you copy. When a component is copied, the 'Copy component rights' option appears in the pop-up. Note: when using multiple processes, it is only possible to copy components including the rights within the same paragraph or to paragraphs within the same (sub)process. When a paragraph outside the current process is selected during copying, the option to copy component rights is not available.
- Send a question directly to a recipient with the Questions Committee component
First, we have renamed the Questions Committee component to Questions & Answers.
Additionally, as of this version, it is possible to add a Sender and Recipient to the question per question. To use this, you will first have to set a number of options in the specific properties of the component (go to Management – Template – Questions & Answers component):
- Link a user to a rule
- Show the following roles for the ‘Question from’
- Show the following roles for the ‘Question for’
In addition, you indicate per row status (also on specific properties) whether a notification should be automatically sent to the questioner and/or the answerer. Per row status, you can also set which roles may send a manual notification to the questioner and the answerer.
When the options above have been set, a number of fields and options will appear in the overview of the Questions & Answers component.
Add a new question to the Questions & Answers component. You can now select a user from the new dropdowns ‘Question from’ and ‘Question to’. If you have set this user to receive an automatic notification, a notification will be sent to the questioner and/or the answerer after saving the component and the tab.
It is also possible to send a manual notification from the overview. Click on the icon on the right in the row, a pop-up will appear in which you can select to which users (the users linked to the row are shown) the manual notification should be sent.
- Show linked studies in User & Roles overview
From now on it is possible to view all studies linked to a user through the Users and roles menu. By expanding the line of a user ( > ), we will see:
- Study ID
- Study number
- Short title
- Status
We have also added an option to the user export, Include linked studies. This will result in a row per user per study, with the columns show above, however it will also include a column in which it shows how the user is linked to this study. For example through a review component, or by being in the study team.
Bug fixes:
- Notifications set for the Approval component were sent too often at some times. For example, when a notification was set to be sent when all users with a certain role had approved, that notification was sent again when all users with that role as well as a user with another role had approved. We have now fixed this, these notifications are now only sent once.