On Tuesday 08-09-2020 we will issue an update, that means that from 20:00u all questionnaires sent with Patient Self-Service (PSS) will be fully responsive. This means that from then on, questionnaires are suitable for all (mobile) devices. The new set up keeps the difference in screen sizes in mind and will adjust the questions and input fields according to the size of the screen.
We have also chosen to change the layout of the questionnaires, for example, the font size has been enlarged and a few colours have been changed to improve the legibility of different components. This means that the questionnaires for PSS participants will look different than before. Nothing has changed about the functionality, a PSS participant is still able to receive the link to the questionnaire by mail and can fill it in on a mobile phone without any problems.
Setting up Patient Self-Service has not changed , but it is NO LONGER possible to set up the layout of the questionnaires. The standard layout will always be used. You can view this in the examples below, an example of your questionnaire in the layout can also be seen through the button ‘Example’ via Management – Patient Self-Service Settings – Schedule.
If you have any further questions about this please contact support.
The new landing page for the user, here will be the Site and title of the questionnaire.
The point scale will look like this on a big screen:
And like this on a smaller screen:
Multiple answers big screen:
Multiple answers half a screen:
Multiple answers phone:
An example of a question on the phone: