Dear user,
We have updated ResearchManager to version 6.7.0 Read below which functionalities have been added, which improvements were made and which bugs have been fixed.
- A select all option has been added to all exports in which component can be selected. This does not include exports for the Template.
- In some cases a date-time component was exported as plain text. This has been fixed.
- The performance of searching for a user has been improved.
EDC: what is new, improved or fixed?
- When a user only had access to one study, and on the home page was clicked on this study, the application would freeze. This has been fixed.
- The performance for searching a user without filter has been improved.
CTMS: what is new, improved or fixed?
- The performance of the homepage has been improved.
- The order of process transitions is now adjustable by dragging in the proces transitions menu.
- The Questions from Committee component, sometimes showed the wrong user for the 'Question last changed by' mouse over. This has been fixed.
- In the document component the filter would not work correctly when a category or title contained ('). This has been fixed.
- For review components the sorting of date did not always function correctly. This has been fixed.
ERMS: what is new, improved or fixed?
- The performance of the homepage has been improved.
- The order of process transitions is now adjustable by dragging in the proces transitions menu.
- The Questions from Committee component, sometimes showed the wrong user for the 'Question last changed by' mouse over. This has been fixed.
- In the document component the filter would not work correctly when a category or type contained ('). This has been fixed.
- For review components the sorting of date did not always function correctly. This has been fixed.