On the page ‘’status overview’’ you can set up which statuses are displayed in the information pop-up with a study status.
In the Main menu navigate towards ‘’Management’’ and click on ‘’Statuses’’.
Below the page Statuses is shown. Here you can add, edit and activate statuses to be shown in the information pop-up when people click on the i-icon at study status.
Add new status or change a status.
To add a new status you click on ‘’add Status’’ on the bottom left side of the overview. A pop-up will appear.
You can choose the name of the status yourself.
Here you can also set up how long a certain status is allowed to take. On the starting page in the study overview the remaining days the study is allowed to have the status is shown in the column ‘’remaining days’’.
It is possible to, from a certain status time, make the study light up in red in the study overview on the starting page. In the field ‘’Mark study in case the status time is smaller than:’’ set up how many days before the end of the status time the study needs to be marked.
Click on Save and close.
In case you want to adjust the abovementioned settings of an existing status, click on the pencil behind the relevant status in the status overview.
Setting up the overview of Statuses (I behind the study status)
Step 1
Click on the tab ‘’overview’’.
- Select the statuses that can be displayed in the pop-up. Tip: When the whole row needs to be transferred, click on the double arrows.
- The selected statuses for the pop-up are displayed in this row.
- Optional: Add an explanation to the status. This explanation will be displayed underneath the status in the pop-up.
Step 2
To be able to open the pop-up with the status overview:
- Select the (desired) study in the Main menu.
- Click on the information icon next to the study status. A pop-up will be opened.
Step 3
In the pop-up all selected status overviews are displayed with the accompanying explanation. (This is another image where at multiple statuses an explanation is filled in).