Click on Export in the menu bar
Or go to Management (this option is not available for all roles) and click on Export.
Now you find yourself on the screen where you can set up the export.
Select exportfilter
Here you can select the desired exportfilter.
(The following only applies to the role Ambtelijk Secretaris)
If you have saved previous exports as filters, then you can select an earlier export here. The saved settings will then be filled in automatically so that you do not have to do the same settings every time.
Here you fill in a name or description for the export.
Select statuses
Here you select which studies you want to export by checking one or more statuses. Only studies with selected statuses are shown in the export. This concerns the status the study has at the moment of exporting.
Remaining columns
Here you can select if you want to export the date the study was made and by who it was made.
Select components
Here you select which components you want to export. You can only select components you have rights for.
Studies that have the status between … and …
Here you can select a status that the study has had at a certain moment. Give the from and till date of the period in which the selected status was applicable to the studies.
Study statuses
(The following only applies to the role Ambtelijk Secretaris) Here you select which studies you want to export by checking one or more statuses. Only studies with the selected status(es) are shown in the export.
(The following only applies to the role Ambtelijk Secretaris)
Click on ‘’Add Filter’’ to save the abovementioned settings, so you can use the export settings more often.
Click on ‘’Export Data’’ to start the export. The export will now be generated, this can take a few minutes. The export gets the status ‘’Queue’’.
When the export is done it gets the status ‘’Completed’’. Click on the Document icon to open the export in Excel or to save.
Step 3 – Making exports for other roles or user (Only possible with the role Ambtelijk Secretaris)
It is also possible for the role Ambtelijk Secretaris to make export filters for other users and/or roles.
Go to ‘’Management’’ and click on ‘’Exportfilters’’.
Now you find yourself on a new screen.
Here you see an overview of the existing exportfilters. Click on ‘’Edit’’ (the pencil icon) to edit the exportfilter.
Now you find yourself on a screen where you can set which roles and users are allowed to use the export.
Here you fill in a name or description for the export.
Here you select which roles are allowed to use this export.
Here you select which users are allowed to use this export. * If the user himself is not selected, but does have a role that is selected, then the user can select the export. If no roles are selected, but there is a user selected, then that user can select the export.
Statuses in which the specified roles are allowed to export
Here you select the statuses in which the linked users and roles are allowed to select the export.
Remaining columns
Here you can select if you want to export the date the study was made and/or by who it was made.
Select components
Here you select which components you want to export.
Studies that have the status between … and …
Here you can select a status that the study has had at a certain moment. Give the from and till date of the period in which the selected status was applicable to the studies.
Exportfilter active
Check this field off if you no longer want to make the export available.
Click on ‘’Save filter’’ to save the settings.